VDos est un programme Windows qui sert à exécuter correctement les applications DOS dans toutes les versions de Windows actuelles.

Les changements sont les suivants:
• Occasional “vdos.info” notice removed from printouts. About popup is shown every 3 hours if not registered.
Support of (virtual) parallel hardware ports dropped.
FPU emulation rewrite. Only FPUAWARE=0 (no FPU) is still effective.
Mouse clicks outside the content area in full screen are ignored.
• Wide font variant (FONT = [-]WIDE) for a 1/8th wider window (mostly for 16:9 full screen).
SCALE= directive dropped.
Extended graphics mode for WP6.x.
Support of 8 text mode video pages (in 25×80).
Dark mode could miscalculate contrast of colors.
COLOR command to select a color theme or set a color at runtime (see Readme.pdf).
• TIO: Also valid for non-printing (DUMMY, CLIP, Windows program).
HORZ: Default scaling was 100% instead of documented 95%.
HORZ:/VERT: Overrides eventual embedded PCL margin settings.
Forced page break didn’t account for the top margin.
• Full program DOS path with execute was limited to 31, now 95 characters.
Environment size raised to 1 KB.
Programs that hook into INT 21h and start a second program could get messed up.
DOS API 21-36h (Get free disk space) returns 1.9 GB free space instead of 123 MB.
DOS API 21-57h (Get last-written date and time) returned current time (for files).


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